Smart solution category: Marketing

Closer than ever to the customer!

Automated sending of messages via Viber or SMS to customers, partners and suppliers with the use of templates depending on the occasion (for marketing actions-promos, wishes, sales contacts or customer support). Messages can be sent automatically when a condition is met (business event) or when an action is completed (e.g. received request, order shipped) on your ERP, CRM, WMS or with ad-hoc user action.

How to target and reach customers

The clientele segmentation studio allows, through an easy graphical user interface, the analysis and audience targeting based on multiple criteria (demographic, geographical, purchasing behavior, etc.), creating “segments” of customers, directly exploitable by the campaign marketing subsystem.

Ask and learn from your customers…

For the customer research organization and execution needs of any kind (shopping experience, customer service feedback, etc.), the questionnaires are designed structured in Entersoft CRM, executed by Web application and the results are automatically evaluated on ready dashboards & scorecards, with the possibility of easy exploiting them through marketing actions.