Smart Solutions

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MIS Navigator

A “navigation tool” to the most important reports and print outs, to inform the user about their purpose and content with indicative images and examples. They are categorized based on the roles and types of tasks of the users. The roles have been defined based on classic corporate responsibilities, e.g. CEO, CFO, etc., while the tasks have been divided into 5 categories (Period end & Reconciliations, Official Company Books, Daily Audit, Preparation processes and Overview reports). The user can perform multiple roles simultaneously or request information for more than one workflow.


Closer than ever to the customer!

Automated sending of messages via Viber or SMS to customers, partners and suppliers with the use of templates depending on the occasion (for marketing actions-promos, wishes, sales contacts or customer support). Messages can be sent automatically when a condition is met (business event) or when an action is completed (e.g. received request, order shipped) on your ERP, CRM, WMS or with ad-hoc user action.


No more old & unnecessary data in the live environment

Ability to store data of previous years and fiscal periods for faster operation of the production installation. Entersoft Business Suite offers a tool (EBS Archiving) for historical data retention and to ease the burden on the live database, while the archived elements are available for reporting and analysis.


Organize your communications for receipts…

Lack of cash flow in the market makes the process of close monitoring and securing of receipts critical, through a comprehensive organization proposal, with automated “collection orders” to the appropriate executives, distinction of “required” balances, letters of balance agreement, record of payment, tracking etc. KPIs


Deliveries without “papers”…

Web application powered by any ERP / WMS system and minimizes delivery management time by the distributor / vehicle / driver (delivery list in order, next deliveries, distance, time, number of packages, customer signature, geo apps integration).

#Enterprise mobility

How far are you from your monthly goal?

Supervising picture of the sales target progress on a mobile device, with lists, charts, scorecards. Check for % deviation and remaining turnover. Ability to “break” the goal by the salesman in specific customers/meetings. Comparison with the previous month-year, and % change. Team sales statistics.


Ask and learn from your customers…

For the customer research organization and execution needs of any kind (shopping experience, customer service feedback, etc.), the questionnaires are designed structured in Entersoft CRM, executed by Web application and the results are automatically evaluated on ready dashboards & scorecards, with the possibility of easy exploiting them through marketing actions.

#Content mgt

All cases and legal… now and digital

The need to manage the full life cycle of legal cases is served through the smart implementation of Entersoft CRM, which integrates in a “digital folder” all relevant contacts, resources, deadlines, documents, necessary reminders, secretarial actions and the workflows, until the final closing of the case.


Distribute the available stock to your customers…

An impressive tool for servicing orders and preparing their launch with various order prioritization criteria, with what-if scenarios capabilities, with algorithms for allocating available stock in them (eg customers, areas, % of initial order coverage, etc.) and stock commitment for the approved delivery plan.

#Content mgt

Organize certification papers…

Organization system for all CEE type certificates of conformity by keeping a complete certification file, with attached documents and notes, with tags for easy text search, with validation of dates, with automated reminders for renewal of certificates, with controls for the user during purchase and sale.

#Organizing teams

Create the schedule of meetings for your sales team…

Central organization of the plan of salesmen’ visits to the clientele with geographical criteria, priority, frequency, time (and special “calendar”) of the point of sale, days since the last visit and / or turnover criteria, with the possibility of scheduling repeat “cycles” of visits, while visits become available on salesmen’ mobile devices.

#Organizing teams

Organize the training of executives…

Monitoring system of human resources training programs, with tools for planning and repetition of training courses by subject, by keeping a training history of each executive, by organizing the training material in a corporate Knowledge Base for self-study and with a system of notifications for “optional” or “compulsory” lessons