Remote Support

Designed by FreepikEntersoft Product:  Remote Support

Remote Support Service includes:

  • Email or Telephone Support for End Users
  • Remote Access for technical support (Remote Assistance)

Basic Telephone Support Program offers support to a small number of trained customer personnel. Basic Telephone Support Program operates daily 9.00 – 18.30, except Saturday and Sunday to support your Entersoft Business Applications.

Basic Telephone Support Program covers operating and functional aspects of Entersoft Applications for max 10 min per incident support. We pave the way for many significant, and complex issues, such as customization, training, MIS Reports, cases that require further investigation and more. Cases that have to do with hardware or third parties operating or software systems are excluded from the Support Program.

Remote Access aims at providing support to complicated cases that require minor intervention. These support services are provided by Entersoft’s highly trained and certified support personnel.