Horizontal currency support

- Transactions in any currency
- Daily exchange rates from Web-service automatically, with full history tracking
- Currency per trader with the possibility of differentiation per transaction
- Price lists in any currency
- Budget in any currency
- “Οn-demand” conversion of amounts in projections/prints in any currency at the current or other " giving " exchange rate
- Targeted reporting of revenues, expenses, cash transactions, profitability, etc. in a base currency, with automatic application of the exchange rate at the time of the transactions involved, resulting in an ACCURATE and not an INDICATIVE result
Maintaining multiple transaction balances per currency and updating balances accordingly
Cash available in foreign currency
Automatic calculation of any exchange differences on each on-line payment and periodic automatic accounting
Report/results in foreign currency for companies belonging to or reporting to a multinational organization
Multilingual functionality
- User interface in different languages for screens, prints, messages, etc. (localization - per installation)
- Storage of data in different languages (names, descriptions, comments etc. in any language)
- Possibility of real-time translation for selected text anywhere in the application

Multi-company operation & reporting
Flexible company data structure
- Separate financial data per company, but common contact, support, customer service and list-structure-grouping-item properties, for integrated management and consolidation scenarios
- Common-uniform identification of users, employees, departments and jobs, as well as access rights to functionalities, to facilitate the IT manager
- Full description of the business structure of an enterprise (groups, group members, contacts, departments, roles, branches, etc.)
- Uniqueness of entry point and way of storing "shared" data to minimize errors and correctness in reporting (e.g. titles, VAT, names, professions, groupings, transport companies, banks and more)
- Easy, instant switch between companies
Intercompany transactions
- Automation and minimization of typing in cases of transactions between companies of the same group (e.g. sale for one company, purchase for another is done by "transformation")
Group budget
- Checking the progress of budget implementation with a "company dimension" and comparing the results of companies
- Automatic conversion of budgeting data into "base currency" or choice of "single control currency"
Reporting at group level
Consolidated balances
Results after elimination of intercompany transactions
Open balances
Analysis of expenditure
Group liabilities – receivables
Sales Statistics and Sales Dashboards
Revenue per point of sale
Group cash flow
Currency consolidation

Sales evolution over time
Gross Profit Analysis
Turnover & Gross Profit Analysis by item category
Sales analysis with hierarchical display
Top customers – items
Turnover - Discount Ratio
Expected Turnover Analysis
Complex supply routes
Recording and monitoring the progress of shipments based on international standards
Retrieve logistics data in seconds, while conforming to industry demands and embracing consumer needs, from point of departure to the last mile.
- Support for all related standards GS1, such as GLN, SSCC, various Barcode types
- Customizable printing solutions ideal for (adhesive) label printing in warehouses and distribution centers
- 3PL Integration

Goods in transit
Special "logical" storage areas for a complete stock pictureIN POSITION
Orders under service
ExpectedIntegration with logistics providers
Integrate with ERP systems
- Transactions
- Deliveries
- Production
- Batch, lots
Integrate with WMS
- Receiving
- Shipping
- Internal movement of goods
Data exchange with external systems
- Serial numbers
- Aggregations
- Status of Serials - containers (outer-inners - Good, Destroyed, Shipped)