Management type: SALES & MARKETING


Structured sales cycle

Central design of salesmen visit plans, based on responsibility areas, customer availability, periodical inspection policy. Ability to set targets and review results.

Sales effectiveness analysis

Turnover, gross profit, objectives achieving (%), by business dimension (e.g. product-customer groups, geographical areas, distribution channels). Analysis by lead source. Monthly and yearly comparison of sales KPIs.

Customer retention rate

Statistical analysis of customer acquisition rate and the retention rate of existing customers. Overtime comparison of average scores.

Online sales ordering through mobile devices

Easy input of key data for bids and sales orders for the salesperson. Structured menus, clear choices, easy movements and help on mobile or tablet devices without the need for extra training.

Order execution cycle & KPIs

Typical KPIs of sales process performance: average routing, preparation, delivery time and average deviation from agreed delivery date.

Competition analysis

Analysis of competition as it is captured through sales opportunities. Information for key competitors, causes of win-loss, lost revenues analysis.

Retail “basket” sales statistics

On-line monitoring of daily store activity. Store statistics (turnover, sales volume) per hour. Retail “basket” KPIs based on visiting traffic or weather conditions.

Sales forecasts & on-line monitoring

Compilation tools for sales budgets by customer or item grouping dimensions, per salesperson, point of sale and other corporate dimensions. On-line monitoring of budget achievement.