Multi-level privileges for user access

Rule-based system for user access rights to data, at the level of user groups (roles) and in any detail (from entire categories of data or processes to screens, fields, specific documents, rows, etc.)

Ability to develop additional functionality (customization)

The system provides several development tools for additional customization by specialized personnel without Entersoft’s involvement (screens, reports, graphic reports, prevention of users errors, updates of financial data, design of input screens, of actions, of workflows, of search and navigation methods, reminders etc.).

Flexible data exchange tools with third-party systems

Simple data entry mechanisms (e.g. copy-paste) but also complex data exchange scenarios with other applications, based on standard and established international standards (txt, XML, excel, access, OleDB connection, etc.).

Consolidation of ALL business process management systems

All processes of all departments are designed according to the needs of each user role. Third-party systems are either integrated into the central system with appropriate automated data streams or abolished. As a result, management costs are minimized.

Infrastructure for implement any Retail Chain schema

Communication models, adaptable to the business topology & the structure of the Retail chain (privately owned stores, participatory, franchisees). Ability of autonomous operation and periodic synchronization of store-headquarters.