For a second consecutive year, Entersoft received the distinction of one of the Diamonds of Greek Economy for 2018 at the “Diamonds of Greek Economy Awards 2019”.
The Diamonds of Greek Economy awards were presented by New Times Publishing during an event that took place on Wednesday, July 10th 2019 at Great Britain Hotel in Athens. The event was attended by businessmen and executives of the healthiest and most dynamic business groups and business entities in Greece, as well as representatives of the State and media.
The event aimed to bring in prominence the most dynamic Greek businesses. Entersoft was evaluated on the basis of economic indicators and criteria such as profitability, debt, liquidity, equity ratio, etc., including factors such as invested capital, human resources policy as well as corporate and social responsibility issues, therefore featuring Entersoft as one of the most healthy and growing companies in the country.
The award was received by Mr. Constantinos Fokas, General Manager EAD at Entersoft.