The CIO Forum 2017 in Athens will be held on 26/5/2017 at the Metropolitan Hotel,
between 9:00-12:15 hrs. As in every such breakfast meeting we will have the opportunity to check on latest Technology, discover Business Value IT Software and share Best Cases and Ideas.
The Agenda
9:00-9:30 Welcome Breakfast
9:30-10:15 Entersoft WMS | Amalia Amountza, Development Entersoft
10:15-10:45 ESMaster App new IT tool & Entersoft SFA – TEC Review | Antonis Saketos, Presales Consultant Entersoft
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break – Networking
11:00-11:45 Techtalk | Stavros Menegos R&D Director Entersoft
11:45-12:15 Discussion & Interaction