Entersoft’s Mobile applications received two Awards at CYTA Mobile Excellence Awards 2015

Entersoft was awarded with two Silver Awards, at CYTA Mobile Excellence Awards, on June 24th 2015, for its Mobile Sales Force Automation and for its Mobile Field Marketing applications.

The annual award event is co-organized by Boussias Communications and the E-Business Research Center, ELTRUN, of the Athens University of Economics and Business, which is also responsible for the scientific support of the competition. The awards aim to highlight how innovation can be deployed & its best practices, in the ecosystem of mobile business and marketing.

Award criteria were, among others, the innovation of the application, the proven market success, as well as the quantitative and qualitative data about the gains customers received by using the apps. These very criteria are Entersoft’s strategic objectives, illustrated in its services and applications, i.e. developing solutions that improve enterprise efficiency and empower competitive advantage.