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Entersoft SA 2011 Financial Results: Improved Revenues, Profits and Liquidity

Entersoft Group realized improved revenues during 2011 despite the extremely negative economic conditions. Once again the Group proves to be strong during this economic crisis, while in the meantime increases potential for strong growth when the market conditions smooth out.

The Group’s new business investments after its registration in the Alternative Market of Athens Stock Exchange achieved considerably positive results. Specifically the three subsidiaries, Retail Link S.A., leader in e-invoicing solutions, as well as the subsidiaries in Bulgaria and Romania all increased their annual turnover in 2011.

Group’s total revenues amounted to 7.362 million Euros during 2011 slightly increased compared to 7.318 million Euros of 2010. The constant profitable operation in addition to the prudent credit policy applied by the Group resulted to zero bank loans for one more year and further increased liquidity. These results provide the Group with a strong competitive advantage over its main competitors. Earnings Before and After Tax increased significantly while at the same time the Group maintained all its productive and specialized personnel.


During 2011 the company fulfilled major investments in new User Interface and Dashboards technologies, as well as in mobile business software applications for smartphones and tablets. Once again Entersoft managed to significantly differentiate itself in the market and broadened its technological lead over its main competitors.

Entersoft during 2011 increased its customer portfolio with new and important customers. Yellow Pages S.A., Raxevsky S.A., PROBANK S.A., Autogrill Hellas, Malamatinas Ε. & Son S.A., GLOBO Group, Cardlink S.A., Rakas Ltd., ECO SUN Ltd., GS1 , Alfa Lamda S.Α., Camelot Ltd., STAGER D. Konstantopoulos S.A., Karina S.A., Hatziprodroumou Bros S.A. (ADAMS SHOES), Olympic Foods S.A., Goldenbrands S.Α., Kontzoglou S.A. and more. Additionally, many new clients were added in Retail Link S.A., customer portfolio adopting its e-invoicing solutions, some of which are, Goodyear S.A., Β. Kafkas S.A., Pipelife S.A., HONDOS Center, ALFAWOOD S.A., Lafarge – AGET Group and more.

For 2012 Entersoft aims at increased revenue and profits making the most out of its strong liquidity, stabilization of its market share in the business software market, acquiring new projects through Digital Convergence NSRF for the private sector, growth through its subsidiaries in Bulgaria and Romania, in addition to expected business growth of electronic invoicing services provided by its subsidiary Retail Link S.A.